Friday, 5 October 2012

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

In which case, this week's blog post is worth, well a final exam essay, I'd say.

These are soap ideas that I'm working on; they are prototypes, so please be kind with your comments. :)

Pink in love

Cellini red love

Maple leaf

Mooncake lotus

Tree frogs

So what do you think? Are they worth continuing? I didn't scent any of them this time because they were just trial runs, so the next step is to decide what scents match each of these soaps


  1. My two cents:

    1) The best looking soaps are the Maple Leaf and the Tree Frogs soaps. Seriously stunning!! OMG, if the Aquarium or Science World doesn't stock the frogs, they are blind or have absolutely no taste.

    2) Love the detailing on the Mooncake soap; it's a very attractive soap too. I'm just torn between wanting it to be all brown like real mooncakes or conceding to the fact that it looks tons better this way.

    3) The pink and beige are far too light to work as embeds. The idea itself is wonderful...a super cute riff on the Love artwork with a heart subbing in for the "o". Truly brilliant! You just have to find colors that work better.

    TOTALLY worth continuing on all of them!!

    1. But you are my sister and therefore biased, but I appreciate the vote of confidence nonetheless. :-)

      I'm going to do the maple leaf in a plain rectangle instead of scalloped just so it looks neater.

      I'll do a proper mooncake just for you,okay? ;-)

      I'll continue to work on the love soap, they didn't work as well as I wanted. Ideas for scents?

    2. scents for the love soap or for all of them?

    3. All of them. I'm indecisive, not that you could tell or anything. :O

    4. Let me think about that and get back to you. Of course, I can only recommend scents I already own so that'd limit us.

    5. I'll have pen and paper ready. :)

  2. I like them all and I'm not just saying that. The little frogs remind me of the Rainforest Cafe here at the Mall of America. That exact frog is their logo. That mooncake lotus is perrrrrfect! So lovely! The love soap would be great for Valentines :) My favorite of course is the mooncake soap and the maple leaf soap.

    1. You sure you're not just saying it, we are afterall, sisters by choice, so you are still a sister. :) I figured the tree frog is the most well known of all the frogs, and I'm glad you like the mooncake, I wasn't sure if it'd turn out or not.

  3. The Maple soaps are perfect. If fact they are all good looking soaps. I know Teresa mentioned aobut the the LOVE embeds being too light, but perhaps just a bit more color for contrast. The frogs are good coloring (how do you do that without bleeding into the colors!). I can still see the Mooncake soap in a guest bathroom- it's going to be one of those soaps- no one wants to use because it's so darn pretty!

    1. Thank you Carrie, I'm hoping the maple soaps will be good for people looking for gifts when they travel abroad, you know Canadian maple leaf and all.

      The frogs I had to tilt to make sure the colours more or less stayed in the right spots and then scraped off any excess that flowed into the wrong areas and wait for it to dry. Needless to say, a bit time consuming but I think it's well worth the effort.

      Funny you say that about the mooncake soap, Teresa gave me a cupcake soap once that I wouldn't use because it was too pretty.
