Monday, 11 July 2016

July isn't really heart month is it?

But it is for me. Since I acquired some new heart moulds (my old one is dying a slow death) I went a little crazy with using up leftover bits of soap to make new ones.

It's hard to see the colouring since I still haven't gotten around to getting super clear soap, but you get the idea.

Kinda hard to see in this one, but there are 3 hearts inside the big one. The red background makes it hard to see the yellow heart.

This one shows I need to work on my embed, clear portion and photography. It's supposed to be 3 hearts  but the middle one, which is yellow, gets kinda lost. Kinda like a lot of middle children, right? 

This one is my favourite, partly because you can see the hearts more clearly (even with my bad photography job) and I like the white background seeing off the clear red portion.

Have a lovely week!


  1. Lots of pretty soaps, the middle one is my favorite. I really like the yellow glow behind the mini heart.

    1. Thanks Michelle! My photography is still in need of improvement, but I agree, the second one definitely seems to show off the hearts the best.

  2. Those soaps look like the jelly teddys I used to eat as a child! Same colours, same transparent aspect. Your clear base is great! You are going to achieve plenty of new ideas...

    1. Well as long as no one tries to take a bite. :D I'm learning to use the bases I have a bit better, not heat them to such high temperatures to keep it more clear for instance. I'm glad you have confidence in me, Mme. Propre, it keeps me going.
