Friday, 11 May 2012

Wanted: motivation

I've  had difficulty forcing myself to work on my business of late. Like most people, I want to get rich quick, without working for it. Obviously that's not going to happen, at least not unless I somehow magically transform myself into some hot sexy young thing that the media gloms onto for whatever reason.

Seeing how that's not going to happen, I need to push myself to get out there and do more to promote my soaps. To that end, I've decided that if I blog about it, I have to do it. So, tomorrow, I'm going to go to a funky store downtown and see if they'd be interested in carrying my chinese soaps since their store is asian themed. If you don't ask, you don't know right? I'll let you know how it goes next week.


  1. ROFL! That cat in the pic is totally me! LOL!

    Good luck! I hope you sell lots of soaps at the Asian store!

    1. LOL Michelle! I don't think you're that furry are you? ;D The cat is definitely me, minus the beer, but other than that, it's me to a T as well.

      Well I hope to hear back from the store next week about whether or not they'll try me out. Fingers crossed.

  2. HA!!! This is how I feel sooooo many times! I know it hard to "get the word" out- I know networking helps, and just finding the right audience.

    1. You've obviously managed to motivate yourself since you've been running a successful business for quite a while now Carrie. I need to learn to be more like you and less like the cat.

  3. So what exactly is the motivation in that picture? The remote or the beer or the obese cat? ;D

    1. Well I'm the cat, so it must be the beer. :>
