The weather was nice
today, so I had to get out and enjoy it before it turns cold and wet again.
That meant however, that soapmaking was not part of today’s plans, well not
completely anyway. I had tried out some molds I hadn’t tried previously, so
today was the day to unmold them. I’m going to have keep working on the
colours, they’re not as brilliant as I’d like. Although I normally hate it when
my molds don’t come out, I’m actually glad the dog came out missing his nose. I
can now try and re-colour him. This is what I have so far.
I'm going to have to fill in his ears and maybe highlight his whiskers and mane.
I melted the pink highlights when I poured in the yellow body. So much for my thinking I could tell the temperature of the soap without the use of a thermometer.
I'm going to make the cat a different colour, maybe more brown, what do you think?
I think he's turned out the best. I used Anne-Marie's technique in making seashells on this frog. I poured a thin layer of green soap, then scraped off some of it and added a thin layer of black before filling up the rest of the mold with green. He's rather cute, isn't he?